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Design more impactful attendee experiences

Behavioural Science

How do you create more impact when the usual attendee behaviours no longer apply?

To succeed in today’s post-pandemic world, experiential marketers need to rapidly develop a more detailed understanding of what it takes to meet attendees’ goals, and then redesign their journeys to meet these rising and more complex expectations.

Our proprietary 7 Drivers Framework draws on proven concepts and models from Behavioural Science to systematically identify and explore the barriers and drivers of critical attendee behaviours across the experiential journey.

Created by leading behavioural scientist, Guy Champniss PhD, and his team, the framework sits at the heart of the Unit’s experience design process leading to better User Experience (UX) design, richer audience insights and a scientifically-informed foundation to create more impactful experiences.

Digital & Live UX

How do you create more impact when live and virtual attendees demand different experiences?

82% of event professionals believe they need to design separate experiences for live and virtual audiences*.

Meeting this unprecedented challenge requires an intelligent mix of Digital and Live UX design combined with smart, human (behavioural) insights. Get the UX right, and people will experience the emotion and meaning you intended. Get it wrong, and people will have the opposite experience.

By combining thousands of hours of UX expertise with our 7 Drivers Framework and data insights, the Unit designs more effective paths to action for live and virtual attendees.

*Source: Event MB

Data Insights

How do you create more impact when data is often confused with insight?

Knowing 1,000 attendees stopped at your stand is a data point. Knowing 800 of them didn’t stay because the content wasn’t tailored to them is insight. Insights uncover new ways to drive action. Data alone does not.

Our Data and Insights experts deliver primary and secondary research, in-depth data analysis and insight reporting to healthcare and consumer industry standards. This includes ethnography, focus groups and surveys, audience needs analysis and content testing across multiple project types and stakeholder groups.

By combining insights with the 7 Drivers and robust UX practice, the Unit can identify specific opportunities to increase attendee engagement and commitment across the physical to virtual attendee journey.

Meet the AXD Unit

The Attendee Experience Design (AXD) Unit combines our proprietary Behavioural Science 7 Drivers framework with Data Insights and Digital and Live UX. This unique combination enables experiential and event professionals to design live, virtual and hybrid experiences with more attendee and business impact.

By putting human behaviour and motivation at the heart of our work, we deliver a scientifically informed approach that enables planners to:

The AXD Unit is part of WRG, a global experience agency.

Book a 30-minute call or in-person meeting to discover more about our Behavioural Science-led approach and how the AXD Unit can help you design more impactful experiences.

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